SMS Marketing is one way to achieve successful advertising in a single click. You may send out to more than 1000 customers in one time, but to make sure the message reach to them is you have to be specify on your target group, target location and text ads, and the mobile service providers will be doing the distribution for you.
People nowadays are busy and not all of them have the time to read through long messages especially on email. For Mobile Marketing, it will only use 150-160 character limits to catch people's attention. Be straight forward on what you able to offer to your customers and summarize your products' descriptions, do not make it lengthy because it will easily get people bored.
Mobile Marketing Pro and Cons: SMS Marketing
Business SMS is one of the best methods for expanding business and also to connect to the customers. However, every positive must have negative side, so it is important for a business person to understand what are the pros and cons of SMS Marketing and also how to resolve the problems.
SMS Marketing
Does the SMS Marketing company offer a rich variety of features and functions with its mobile messaging service? As well as offering a few different ways of sending messages, what really useful additional functionality does it offer? For example does it provide a HLR look up service so that you can confirm your contact information? Using HLR lookup to double-check phone numbers and subscriber identity saves money by eliminating invalid numbers. Other features to look out for are messaging scheduling and delivery status. Does the SMS Marketing company offer two-way messaging, so that customers can easily follow up on your SMS messages? Having additional features such as these can save you money in the long run, as all of the data on your mobile messaging is readily available.
SMS Marketing Services

Why become a SMS Marketing reseller?
1. Minimal Investment: You can start your business as a reseller with very low investment. All you need is one computer with internet connection and some cash as low as INR.5000 to buy your 1st lot of SMS Marketing. Unlike any other business, you do not need an office, staff, machinery, furniture etc., Your SMS provider is bearing all these costs for you. It does not end here, your SMS provider also provides you with a SMS gateway (SMS software), and has also borne the cost of getting into agreements with various mobile network operators. As a SMS reseller you get to start your business bypassing all the investment needed in a SMS business.
2. No Business Overheads: There are no business overheads to manage except the electricity bill for your computer and the internet connection cost.
3. High Profit: The difference in the sale price and purchase price of SMS Marketing units is simply your profit. You decide the sale price and thereby you decide your profit. Since you deal in bulk even the smallest of difference between purchase and sale price gives you a good enough profit with every deal.
4. Low Setup Time: Most businesses need some time to setup. We all know time is money, the longer you take to set up your business the late you start earning. As a SMS reseller you can start your business right away with your computer from your home.
5. Low Gestation Period: Every business has a gestation period. Higher the investment, higher is the likeliness of a long gestation period. As a reseller the gestation period can end with just even your first deal.
6. Low Advertising Cost: Some SMS providers also provide you with a website of your own. This is a huge advantage. You are completely saving on the cost you would have otherwise incurred on creating your own website.
7. Low Customer Service Management: As a reseller you have a service guarantee in your agreement with the SMS provider. You provide the same service guarantee to your consumer. So there is nothing that you have to really do to provide good service to your customers.
Sometimes when an SMS provider offers to send SMS Marketing messaging at a very low cost this is because the quality of their network is a bit below par, causing the message to be delayed or even lost along the way. If a text message doesn't reach its destination it is a waste of your time and money. In an ideal world your SMS Marketing company would have direct routing -- or even its own network -- shrinking the delivery chain. After all, a more direct route provides more reliable routing. If a SMS Marketing company offers a free trial use it to test the quality of their network. It is also worth bearing in mind that some providers will offer several routing options for your mobile messaging, letting you decide whether cost or speed is more important on this occasion.
SMS Marketing website
Although it may seem straightforward to send mobile messages, throw in the variables of different mobile operators and geographic locations, and the potential for problems with your SMS Marketing messaging can increase. The best solution is to use a SMS Marketing provider that offers round the clock customer support seven days a week, 365 days as year -- be it via live chat or email... or both. This way you can get help regardless of the time zone, day of the week or national holidays. Usually, low cost providers need to cut corners somewhere so that they can discount their service. Unfortunately it is often their customer support that suffers. Yet this is frequently the most important component of your relationship with your SMS Marketing company. Pay close attention to the level of support on offer by SMS Marketing providers, and look for ones that have a written service level commitment guaranteeing to provide a certain amount of customer support.
Offers total SMS Marketing with direct SMSC connections providing you with the capability to deliver SMS messages all over the world.
You can use outbound services (MT-SMS) to deliver messages on more than 700 carriers in 172 countries. They offer three different types of connections to their system, enabling a wide range of companies and individuals to use their SMS gateway.
Also their inbound (MO-SMS) service is available in several countries. Power SMS Marketing interactive 2 way SMS gateway provides fast, reliable, efficient and cost-effective direct interaction with your business. It is ideal for services such as 2-way marketing campaigns and SMS promotions.
Payments for SMS Marketing messages are nearly always required in advance. Once the prepayment has been made some providers will convert the money to credits, which will be deducted after the text messages are send. Others just keep a monetary account which is debited after the messages are sent. In either case, the SMS provider may require that a minimum amount of messages are sent, sometime within a particular time limit. It's worth remembering that some companies also charge a signing-up fee. When choosing a SMS Marketing company examine their payment structure and be sure to ask about additional fees or minimum orders. Likewise, if you plan to send out a massive amount of messages, see if they will offer you a better rate.
If you are prepaying for your messages you should consider the SMS Marketing supplier's background. Are they a well established provider within the industry or a relative newcomer? Are you happy to go with an unknown quantity for your mobile messaging needs or would you prefer someone with more experience? Do they come across as knowledgeable experts in the field -- their website should give you a clue. Could they provide expertise to help your business develop in new geographical markets?
SMS Marketing Marketing
As you can see, there are several key factors to consider when looking for a SMS Marketing provider, only one of which is price. The quality of their service and coverage, along with their commitment to customer care are also vitally important.
As per statistical analysis, marketing through SMS improves deliverance rate from 20% to 70%. In Comparison to TV, radio and direct mail, Short Message Service deliverance rate is much higher. Over 90% of Customers are liable to open SMS and the reason is that mobile has become a trusted companion for customers and it is always with them.
Unlike other advertising strategies, you might not have to dedicate your time for promoting your products using Short Message Service. All you have to do is just find a reliable software for sending SMS to thousands of potential customers in time. Sending SMS Marketing is not just an affordable marketing option but it saves time, generates immediate sales and improves the customer relationship.
In today's competitive business arena, you need to have a regular interaction with the customers to avoid losing potential customers. SMS Marketing serves this purpose by conveying customers about the launch of new products, services, special offers and other important updates on regular basis. One of the important advantages of SMS Marketing Services is that you might not have to send individual messages for each customer. You can send an important update to thousands of customers throughout the world in just a single click.
As the short message service is gaining recognition in the marketing arena, some organizations have even started to create SMS Marketing sending software to help companies and individuals to enhance business productivity. Companies can also purchase the SMS Marketing software that offers a wide range of functionality such as customizable speed options, multiple routing and load banners.
SMS Marketing providers provide you a software to send SMS. This software is also known as 'SMS Gateway'. Short Messages Service provider can provide you customized SMS Gateways. Most often a SMS Gateway already has everything you need. However, if you need something more, a Short Messages Service provider can help you with it. For e.g. The standard length of a SMS is 160 characters. If your message is longer than 160 characters then your SMS provider can provide you with this special feature. The Short Messages Service provider can also integrate the gateway with your existing database or other applications as per your requirement.
SMS Marketing providers of good standing will provide you with a SLA. You can include all your special requirements and the relevant support services for these features in your SLA. At least in this space you can say 'There is nothing, money can't buy'. You can get your preferred sender ID, high speed delivery, and many other features as agreed upon between you and your provider.
Confident SMS Marketing providers also offer money back guarantee in case of it's failure in adherence to SLA. This means that the probability of failure is almost negligible and so they are confident enough to offer a money back guarantee. These providers stay up beat with advances in mobile technology to enable themselves to offer you better products and services.