It is expected that by 2014 mobile internet usage might over take desktop internet usage. According to Mobile Marketer, SMS has response time 8 times more than email. With increasing mobile phone users worldwide, mobile is a vital access point through which entrepreneurs can reach potential customers with ease. It estimated that nearly 98% of the SMS are opened and read by people, making mobile marketing an effective and reliable marketing strategy in today's competitive marketing arena. All these statistics clearly pinpoints the importance of SMS marketing as an effective marketing strategy.
Earlier, entrepreneurs and companies had to rely on SMS service providers to send SMS Marketing to customers, but now SMS Marketing software has helped entrepreneurs to convey updates to customers in just a simple click. Sending SMS in bulk quantities is one of the simplest and cost effective way to reach large number of prospects in time.
SMS Marketing
Does the SMS Marketing company offer a rich variety of features and functions with its mobile messaging service? As well as offering a few different ways of sending messages, what really useful additional functionality does it offer? For example does it provide a HLR look up service so that you can confirm your contact information? Using HLR lookup to double-check phone numbers and subscriber identity saves money by eliminating invalid numbers. Other features to look out for are messaging scheduling and delivery status. Does the SMS Marketing company offer two-way messaging, so that customers can easily follow up on your SMS messages? Having additional features such as these can save you money in the long run, as all of the data on your mobile messaging is readily available.
SMS Marketing Services

A SMS Marketing software enables you to send your ad message in a SMS form directly from your excel database. You can send these messages either from your computer or through your mobile. As SMS Marketing advertising is becoming popular in the marketing arena, it is also being used in other sectors such as financial institutions, corporate, education institutions, FMCG marketers and many other people. This software enables a company to send personalized messages to prospects and would stay in the inbox till the receiver deletes it. So even if the receiver has no immediate requirement for the advertised product or service, he can contact you in future whenever the need arises as your contact is saved in his inbox.
Due to its effective performance in the marketing arena, even large scale organizations have started to make use of SMS Marketing strategy to boost their business productivity. However, entrepreneurs need to choose the best SMS Marketing software based on their expectation and budget because some software may not have all the advanced functionality required to send SMS to a large number of people. So, kickoff your marketing campaign using SMS Marketing marketing strategy and move ahead of your competitors.

Sometimes when an SMS provider offers to send SMS Marketing messaging at a very low cost this is because the quality of their network is a bit below par, causing the message to be delayed or even lost along the way. If a text message doesn't reach its destination it is a waste of your time and money. In an ideal world your SMS Marketing company would have direct routing -- or even its own network -- shrinking the delivery chain. After all, a more direct route provides more reliable routing. If a SMS Marketing company offers a free trial use it to test the quality of their network. It is also worth bearing in mind that some providers will offer several routing options for your mobile messaging, letting you decide whether cost or speed is more important on this occasion.
SMS Marketing website
Although it may seem straightforward to send mobile messages, throw in the variables of different mobile operators and geographic locations, and the potential for problems with your SMS Marketing messaging can increase. The best solution is to use a SMS Marketing provider that offers round the clock customer support seven days a week, 365 days as year -- be it via live chat or email... or both. This way you can get help regardless of the time zone, day of the week or national holidays. Usually, low cost providers need to cut corners somewhere so that they can discount their service. Unfortunately it is often their customer support that suffers. Yet this is frequently the most important component of your relationship with your SMS Marketing company. Pay close attention to the level of support on offer by SMS Marketing providers, and look for ones that have a written service level commitment guaranteeing to provide a certain amount of customer support.
Offers total SMS Marketing with direct SMSC connections providing you with the capability to deliver SMS messages all over the world.
You can use outbound services (MT-SMS) to deliver messages on more than 700 carriers in 172 countries. They offer three different types of connections to their system, enabling a wide range of companies and individuals to use their SMS gateway.
Also their inbound (MO-SMS) service is available in several countries. Power SMS Marketing interactive 2 way SMS gateway provides fast, reliable, efficient and cost-effective direct interaction with your business. It is ideal for services such as 2-way marketing campaigns and SMS promotions.
Payments for SMS Marketing messages are nearly always required in advance. Once the prepayment has been made some providers will convert the money to credits, which will be deducted after the text messages are send. Others just keep a monetary account which is debited after the messages are sent. In either case, the SMS provider may require that a minimum amount of messages are sent, sometime within a particular time limit. It's worth remembering that some companies also charge a signing-up fee. When choosing a SMS Marketing company examine their payment structure and be sure to ask about additional fees or minimum orders. Likewise, if you plan to send out a massive amount of messages, see if they will offer you a better rate.
If you are prepaying for your messages you should consider the SMS Marketing supplier's background. Are they a well established provider within the industry or a relative newcomer? Are you happy to go with an unknown quantity for your mobile messaging needs or would you prefer someone with more experience? Do they come across as knowledgeable experts in the field -- their website should give you a clue. Could they provide expertise to help your business develop in new geographical markets?
SMS Marketing Marketing
As you can see, there are several key factors to consider when looking for a SMS Marketing provider, only one of which is price. The quality of their service and coverage, along with their commitment to customer care are also vitally important.
SMS marketing otherwise known as mobile marketing is an effective marketing tool used nowadays to promote products through mobile phones. Earlier, sending SMS Marketing had a negative impact because businesses used cold database and started spamming the receivers. But nowadays thanks to the guidelines set by the network providers SMS marketing has evolved as an important marketing tool. And today millions of text messages are being sent to pass on promotional contents to customers and prospects. As the Short Message Service is used mainly to alert customers regarding new product launches, special offers and freebies, it is gaining recognition among the customers. It has been almost a decade since the first text message was sent via mobile phone but only now SMS software is being used by entrepreneurs to promote their products and services. The reason for this sudden shift is that most of the traditional marketing strategies such as banners are not productive in today's competitive marketing arena.
Before starting your SMS campaign, you need to first determine the best ways to kickoff your campaign. Usually, there are two ways namely SMS Marketing Services providers and SMS software through which you will be able to make use of SMS for your marketing campaign.
If you have enough time to take care of all the entire Short Message Service campaign ranging from sending SMS Marketing to monitoring, documenting and more, then you can make use of SMS Marketing software or get assistance from a reliable SMS service provider to avoid unnecessary regrets later.
Now, lets see some ways through which you might be able to accomplish a SMS Marketing campaign successfully:
Plan your budget:
First, you need to plan your budget to avoid unnecessary regrets later. A properly planned SMS campaign will be easy to manage and improves your business productivity.
Use relevant messages:
When sending messages make sure the messages are relevant. For example, when your message displays about a $1,000 cash prize, it will definitely attract a large number of customers but they are just temporary customers who might not become potential customers. When your message says about some new services that customers are looking for, then it will generate more traffic and might even retain the customers.
SMS Marketing providers of good standing will provide you with a SLA. You can include all your special requirements and the relevant support services for these features in your SLA. At least in this space you can say 'There is nothing, money can't buy'. You can get your preferred sender ID, high speed delivery, and many other features as agreed upon between you and your provider.
Confident SMS Marketing providers also offer money back guarantee in case of it's failure in adherence to SLA. This means that the probability of failure is almost negligible and so they are confident enough to offer a money back guarantee. These providers stay up beat with advances in mobile technology to enable themselves to offer you better products and services.